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Top 10

The top 10 publications, as senior author
  1. 1.M. Di Vincenzo, A. Tiraferri, V.-E. Musteata, S.Chisca, R.Sougrat, L.-B. Huang, S. P. Nunes, M. Barboiu, Biomimetic artificial water channels membranes for enhanced desalination. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2020, DOI:10.1038/s41565-020-00796-x
  2. 2.D. Strilets, S. Fa, A. Hardiagon, M. Baaden T. Ogoshi*, M. Barboiu*, Biomimetic approach for highly selective artificial water channels based on tubular Pillar[5]Arene dimers" Very Important paper. Angew. Chem. 2020 DOI: 10.1002/ange.202009219; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202009219.
  3. 3.S.-P. Zheng, J.-J. Jiang, A. van der Lee, M. Barboiu* Very Important paper and Frontispice Picture. Voltage-responsive synthetic Cl--channel regulated by pH. Angew. Chem. 2020, 132, 19802-19088;  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 18920-18296
  4. 4.S.-P. Zheng, Y.-H. Li, J.-J. Jiang, A. van der Lee, D. Dumitrescu, M. Barboiu, Self-Assembled Columnar Triazole-Quartets - an example of synergetic H-bonding / Anion-π Channels, Very Important paper and Cover Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 12165 –12170, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 12037 –12042. 
  5. 5.I. Kocsis, M. Sorci, H. Vanselous, S. Murail, S. E. Sanders, E.Licsandru, Y.-M. Legrand, A.van der Lee, M.Baaden, P. B. Petersen, G. Belfort*, M. Barboiu*, Oriented chiral water wires in artificial transmembrane channels. Science Adv. 2018, 4, eaao5603. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aao5603.
  6. 6.A. Gilles, M. Barboiu*, Highly Selective Artificial K+ Channels: An Example of Selectivity- Induced Transmembrane Potential. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138(1), 426-432.
  7. 7.E. Licsandru, I. Kocsis, Y.-x. Shen, S. Murail, Y.-M. Legrand, A. van der Lee, D. Tsai, M. Baaden, M. Kumar, M. Barboiu*, Salt-excluding artificial water channels exhibiting enhanced dipolar water and proton translocation, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138, 5403-5409.
  8. 8.M. Barboiu*, Y. Le Duc, A. Gilles, P.-A. Cazade, M. Michau, Y.-M. Legrand, A. van der Lee, B. Coasne, P. Parvizi, J. Post, T. Fyles. An artificial primitive mimic of Gramicidin-A channel, Nature Comm. 2014, 5, 4142. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5142.
  9. 9.M. Barboiu*, Artificial water channels, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51 11674-11676.
  10. 10. Y. Le Duc, M. Michau, A. Gilles, V. Gence, Y.-M. Legrand, A. van der Lee, S. Tingry, M. Barboiu*, Imidazole I-quartet water and proton dipolar channels, Hot paper. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50(48), 11366-11372.


The top 10 review publications
  1. 1.Barboiu*, Encapsulation versus self-aggregation toward highly selective artificial K+- Channels, Acc. Chem. Res. 2018, 51, 2711−2718.
  2. 2.Y. Zhang, M. Barboiu*, Constitutional Dynamic Materials. Toward Natural Selection of Function, Chem. Rev. 2016, 116, 809-834.
  3. 3.M. Barboiu*, Artificial Water Channels –incipient innovative developments. Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 5657- 5665.
  4. 4.M. Barboiu* and A. Gilles, From natural to bio-assisted and biomimetic artificial water channel systems. Acc. Chem. Res. 2013, 46, 2814–2823.
  5. 5.M. Barboiu, M. Stadler, J.M. Lehn*, Controlled folding, motional and constitutional dynamic processes of polyheterocyclic molecular strands, Angew. Chem. 2016, 128, 4200 – 4225; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 4130 – 4154.
  6. 6.M. Barboiu*, The future of membranes - toward the natural selection of functions. Actualité Chimique, 2015, 399, 37-43.
  7. 7.E. Mahon, M. Barboiu*, Synthetic multivalency for biological applications, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2015, 13, 10590-10599.
  8. 8. M. Barboiu*, Constitutional hybrid materials-toward selection of functions. Eur J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 1112-1125.
  9. 9.Y.M. Legrand, M. Barboiu*, Self-Assembled Supramolecular Channels: Toward Biomimetic Materials for Directional Translocation, Chem. Rec. 2013, 13(6), 524-538.
  10. 10. M. Barboiu*, Dynamic Interactive Systems - Dynamic selection in hybrid organic-inorganic constitutional networks, Feature Article, Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 7466-7476.



Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018;57:10520-10524

Li Y.-H., Zheng S.-P., Legrand Y.-M., Gilles A., van der Lee A., Barboiu M.

Structure‐Driven Selection of Adaptive Transmembrane Na+ Carriers or K+ Channels


Acc. Chem. Res., 2018;51:2711-2718

Barboiu M.

Encapsulation versus Self-Aggregation toward Highly Selective Artificial K+ Channels


Chem. Commun. 2018;54:9738-9740

Feng W.-X.; Dai L.; Zheng S.-P.., van der Lee A.; Su C.-Y. & Barboiu M.

“Calix[4]-box” cages promote the formation of amide bonds in water in the absence of coupling reagents


Faraday Discussions, 2018;209:125-148

Murail S., Vasiliu T., Neamtu A., Barboiu M., Sterpone F. & Baaden M.

Water permeation across artificial I-quartet membrane channels: from structure to disorder


Faraday Discussions, 2018;209:113-124

Sun Z., Kocsis I., Li Y., Legrand Y.-M., Barboiu M.

Imidazole derivatives as Artificial Water Channel building-blocks: structural design influence on water permeability


npj Clean Water (2018) 1:13

Kocsis I., Sun Z., Legrand Y.-M., Barboiu M.

Artificial water channels-deconvolution of natural Aquaporins through synthetic design

Isr. J. Chem., 2018 (in Press)

Feng W.-X.; Sun Z., Barboiu M.

Pillar[n]arenes for Construction of Artificial Transmembrane Channels


Science Advances 2018;4:eaao5603

Kocsis, I.; Sorci, M.; Vanselous, H.; Murail, S.; Sanders, S. E.; Licsandru, E.; Legrand, Y.-M.; van der Lee, A.; Baaden, M.; Petersen, P. B.; Belfort, G.; Barboiu, M.

Oriented chiral water wires in artificial transmembrane channels


J. Membr. Sci. 2018;546:151-157

Keating J.J. IV, Sorci M., Kocsis I., Setaro A., Barboiu M., Underhill P., Belfort G.

Atmospheric Pressure Plasma - ARGET ATRP Modification of Poly(ether sulfone) Membranes: A Combination Attack


Cryst. Eng. Comm. 2018;20:261-270 (Highlight)

Dumitrescu D.; Feng W.-X.; Legrand Y.-M.; van der Lee A.; Petit E.; Barboiu M.

Pyrene-box capsules for adaptive encapsulation and structure determination of unstable or noncrystalline guest molecules


ACS Omega 2018;3:329-333

Zhang Y.; Barboiu M.

Mechanism Insight into the Constitutional Phase Change Selection of Dynameric Frameworks Libraries


Chem. Eur. J. 2018;24:715-720

Zhang Y.; Supuran C.T.; Barboiu M.

Mechanism Insight into the Constitutional Phase Change Selection of Dynameric Frameworks Libraries


Polym. Chem. 2018, Advance Article

Ardeleanu R., Dascalu A. I., Neamtu A., Peptanariu D., Uritu C. M., Maier S. S., Nicolescu A., Simionescu B. C., Barboiu M., Pinteala M.

Multivalent polyrotaxane vectors as adaptive cargo complexes for gene therapy



Polymer Bulletin 2018;75(2):669-684

Ouis M., Kameche M., Innocent C., Charef M., Kebaili H.

Electro-​polymerization of pyrrole on graphite electrode: enhancement of electron transfer in bioanode of microbial fuel cell





Chem. Eur. J. 2017;23(71):18010-18018

Drozdz W., Bouillon C., Kotras C., Richeter S., Barboiu M., Clement S., Stefankiewicz A. R., Ulrich S.

Generation of Multicomponent Molecular Cages using Simultaneous Dynamic Covalent Reactions


Chem. Commun. 2017;53(94):12668-12671

Rotaru A., Pricope G., Plank T. N., Clima L., Ursu E. L., Pinteala M., Davis J. T., Barboiu M.

G-​Quartet hydrogels for effective cell growth applications


Dalton trans. 2017;46:15204-15207

Li Y.-H., Zhang Y., Legrand Y.-M., van der Lee A., Jiang J.-J., Chen C.-X., Su C.-Y., Barboiu M.

Hydrophobic metallo-supramolecular Pd2L4 Cages for zwitterionic guest encapsulation in organic solvents


J. Membr. Sci. 2017;540:71-77

Di Vincenzo M., Barboiu M.; Tiraferri A.; Legrand Y.-M.;

Polyol-functionalized thin-film composite membranes with improved transport properties and boron removal in reverse osmosis


Eur. J.O.C. 2017;22:3282-3287

Barboiu M.; Dumitrescu D.; Feng W.-X.; Legrand Y.-M.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.

Compression of 1,-diammonium-(oligo)ethyleneglycol chains within the "Pyrene box"


J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017;139(10):3721-3727

Schneider S., Licsandru E.D., Kocsis I., Gilles A., Dumitru F., Moulin E., Tan J.J., Lehn J.M., Giuseppone N. & Barboiu M.

Columnar Self-Assemblies of Triarylamines as Scaffolds for Artificial Biomimetic Channels for Ion and for Water Transport


Org. Lett. 2017;19(6);1438-1441

Feng W.-X.; Sun Z.; Zhang Y.; Legrand Y.-M.; Petit E.; Su C.-Y., Barboiu M.

Bis-15-crown-5-ether-pillar[5]arene K+-Responsive Channels


Chem. Eur. J. 2017;23(17):4037-4041

Feng W.-X.; van der Lee A.; Legrand Y.-M.; Petit E.; Su C.-Y., Barboiu M.

“Pyrene Box” Cages for the Confinement of Biogenic Amines


Bioorg. & Med. Chem. 2017;25(5):1681-1686

Le Duc Y., Licsandru E., Vullo D., Barboiu M., Supuran C. T.

Carbonic anhydrases activation with 3-amino-1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-carboxamides: Discovery of subnanomolar isoform II activators


J. Membr. Sci., 2017;528:225-230

Yahia M. Abdelrahim M., Martins C. F., Neves L. A., Capasso C., Supuran C. T., Coelhoso I. M., Crespo J. G., Barboiu M.

Supported ionic liquid membranes immobilized with carbonic anhydrases for CO2 transport at high temperatures


J. Enzyme Inhib. Med. Chem. 2017;32(1):37-46

Licsandru E., Tanc M., Kocsis I., Barboiu M., Supuran C. T.

A class of carbonic anhydrase I – selective activators



Chem. Eur. J. 2017;23(38):9076-9090 - Hot Paper + Cover

Viard A.; Fonblanc D.; Schmidt M.; Lale A.; Salameh C.; Soleilhavoup A.; Wynn M.; Champagne P.; Cerneaux S.; Babonneau F.; Chollon G.; Rossignol F.; Gervais C.; Bernard S.

Molecular Chemistry and Engineering of Boron-​Modified Polyorganosilazanes as New Processable and Functional SiBCN Precursorsblank


Applied Sciences 2017;7(4):402-4013

Kujawa, J.; Cerneaux, S.; Kujawski, W.; Knozowska K.

Hydrophobic Ceramic Membranes for Water Desalination


J. Phys. Chem. C 2017;121(28):15188-15197

Le T. X. H., Esmilaire R., Drobek M., Bechelany M., Vallicari C., Cerneaux S., Julbe A., Cretin M.

Nitrogen-​Doped Graphitized Carbon Electrodes for Biorefractory Pollutant Removal




Current Org. Chem. 2017;21(17):1702-1712

Champavert J., Mardiana U., Innocent C.

Bio-​catalytic Devices for Energy Production


ACS Appl. Mat. & Interf. 2017;9(27):22476-22489

Kosimaningrum W. E., Le T. X. H., Holade Y., Bechelany M., Tingry S., Buchari B. Noviandri I., Innocent C., Cretin M.

Surfactant- and Binder-​Free Hierarchical Platinum Nanoarrays Directly Grown onto a Carbon Felt Electrode for Efficient Electrocatalysis




Chem. Rev. 2016;116:809-834

Zhang Y. & Barboiu M.

Constitutional Dynamic Materials -- Toward Natural Selection of Function


Nanoscale 2016;8(10):5605-5611

Licsandru E.D., Schneider S., Tingry S., Ellis T., Moulin E., Maaloum M., Lehn J.M., Barboiu M., Giuseppone N.

Self-assembly of supramolecular triarylamine nanowires in mesoporous silica and biocompatible electrodes thereof


J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016;138:426-432

Gilles A., Barboiu M.

Highly Selective Artificial K+ Channels: An Example of Selectivity-Induced Transmembrane PotentialBlank


Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016;55:4130-4154

Barboiu M., Stadler M., Lehn J.-M.

Controlled folding, motional and constitutional dynamic processes of polyheterocyclic molecular strands


J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016;138(16):5403-5409

Licsandru E., Kocsis I., Shen Y.-X. , Murail S., Legrand Y.-M., van der Lee A., Tsai D., Baaden M., Kumar M., Barboiu M.

Salt-excluding artificial water channels exhibiting enhanced dipolar water and proton translocation


Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016;7:1928-1935

Gwak G.H., Kocsis I., Legrand Y.-M., Barboiu M.D., Oh J.-M.

Controlled supramolecular structure of guanosine monophosphate in the interlayer space of layered double hydroxide


Chem. Commun. 2016;52:13768-13770

Zhang Y., Feng W.-X., Legrand Y.-M., Supuran C., Su C.-Y., Barboiu M.

Dynameric host frameworks for the activation of lipase through H-bond and interfacial encapsulation


Org. Lett. 2016;18(21):5556-5559

Feng W.-X.; van der Lee A.; Legrand Y.-M.; Petit E.; Dumitrescu D.; Su C.-Y., Barboiu M.

Adaptive Encapsulation of ω-Amino Acids and Their Guanidinium–Amide Congeners


Carbohydrate Polym. 2016;152:306-316

Ailincai D., Marin L., Morariu S., Mares M., Bostanaru A.-C., Pinteala M., Simionescu B. C., Barboiu M.

Dual crosslinked iminoboronate-chitosan hydrogels with strong antifungal activity against Candida planktonic yeasts and biofilms


Chem. Commun. 2016;52:8745-8748.

Li Y.-H., Jiang J.-J., Fan Y.-Z., Wei Z.-W., Chen C.-X., Yu H.-J., Zheng S.-P., Fenske D., Su C.-Y., Barboiu M.

Solvent- and anion-induced interconversions of metal–organic cages


Cryst. Growth Des., 2016;16(6):3271-3278

Pop L., Hadade N. D., van der Lee A., Barboiu M., Grosu I., Legrand Y.-M.

Occurence of Charge-Assisted Hydrogen Bonding in Bis-amidine Complexes Generating Macrocycles


Microporous Mesoporous Mat., 2016;229:106-116

Tanardi C.R., Catana R., Barboiu M., Ayral A., Vankelecom I.F.J., Nijmeijer A., Winnubst L.

Polyethyleneglycol grafting of y-alumina membranes for solvent resistant nanofiltration


Chem. Commun. 2016;52:5657-5665 (Feature Article)

Barboiu M.

Artificial Water Channels –incipient innovative developments


Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2016;10:1825-1828 (+ Cover)

Zhang Y., Legrand Y.M., van der Lee A., Barboiu M.

Ligand- and Metal-Driven Selection of Flexible Adaptive Dynamic Host Receptors


Chem. Commun. 2016;52:4053-4055

Zhang Y., Legrand Y.-M., Petit E., Supuran C., Barboiu M.

Dynamic encapsulation and activation of carbonic anhydrase in multivalent dynameric host matrices


J. Membr. Sci., 2016;510:50-57

Yahia M. Abdelrahim M., Osman H.H., Cerneaux S., Masquelez N., Barboiu M.

Extraction and membrane transport of lanthanides with dynameric constitutional framework carriers


Inorg. Chem. Front., 2016;3:702-710

Zhu B., Liu G., Chen L., Qiu L., Chen L., Zhang J., Zhang L., Barboiu M., Si R. and Su C.-Y.

Metal–organic aerogels based on dinuclear rhodium paddle-wheel units: design, synthesis and catalysis


Supramol. Chem. 2016;28(9):747-752

Dumitrescu D., Mouline Z.,van der Lee A., Barboiu M.

Robust H-bonding self-assembly of complementary picric acid and imidoformamide-containing components


Chem. Eur. J. 2016;22:2158-2164

Sun Z.; Gilles A., Kocsis I.; Legrand Y.-M.; Petit E.; Barboiu M.

Squalyl Crown Ether Self-Assembled Conjugates: An Example of Highly Selective Artificial K+ Channels


New J. Chem. 2016;40:1765-1776

Minea B., Marangoci N., Peptanariu D., Rosca I., Nastasa V., Corciova A., Varganici C., Nicolescu A., Fifere A., Neamtu A., Mares M., Barboiu M., Pinteala M.

Inclusion complexes of propiconazole nitrate with substituted β-cyclodextrins. Synthesis, in silico and in vitro assessment of antifungal properties.


ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2016;2:104-111

Marin L., Ailincai D., Calin M., Stan D., Constantinescu C. A., Ursu L., Doroftei F., Pinteala M., Simionescu B. C., Barboiu M.

Dynameric Frameworks for DNA Transfection


Chem. Commun. 2016;52:386-389

Kocsis I., Rotaru A., Legrand Y.-M., Grosu I., Barboiu M.

Supramolecular rulers enabling selective detection of pure short ssDNA via chiral self-assembly


J. Mem. Sci. 2016;510:182-190

Liang P.; Rivallin M.; Cerneaux S.; Lacour S.; Petit E.; Cretin M.

Coupling cathodic Electro-​Fenton reaction to membrane filtration for AO7 dye degradation: A successful feasibility study


Separ. Sci & Technol. 2016;51(6):1022-1029

Ayadi S.; Jedidi I.; Lacour S.; Cerneaux S.; Cretin M.; Ben Amar R.

Preparation and characterization of carbon microfiltration membrane applied to the treatment of textile industry effluents


J. Eur. Ceramic Soc. 2016;36(8):2057-2066

Li L.; Chen M.; Dong Y.; Dong X.; Cerneaux S.; Hampshire S.; Cao J.; Zhu L.; Zhu Z.; Liu J.

A low-​cost alumina-​mullite composite hollow fiber ceramic membrane fabricated via phase-​inversion and sintering method


J. Mem. Sci. 2016;499:442-451

Kujawski W.; Kujawa J.; Wierzbowska E.; Cerneaux S.; Bryjak M.; Kujawski J.

Influence of hydrophobization conditions and ceramic membranes pore size on their properties in vacuum membrane distillation of water-organic solvent mixtures


Desalin. Water Treat. 2016;57:4788-4795

Chang Q.B., Wang X., Wang Y.Q., Zhang X.Z., Cerneaux S., Zhou J.E.

Effect of hydrophilic modification with nano-titania and operation modes on the oil-water separation performance of microfiltration membraneblank


ACS appl. mater. interfaces 2016;8:7564-7577

Kujawa, J.; Cerneaux, S.; Kujawski, W.; Bryjak, M.; Kujawski, J.

How To Functionalize Ceramics by Perfluoroalkylsilanes for Membrane Separation Process? Properties and Application of Hydrophobized Ceramic Membranes


Desalin. Water Treat. 2016;57(50):23473-23488

Tahri N.; Jedidi I.; Ayadi S.; Cerneaux S.; Cretin M.; Ben Amar R.

Preparation of an asymmetric microporous carbon membrane for ultrafiltration separation: application to the treatment of industrial dyeing effluent






Adv. Mat. 2015;27(35):5165-5170

Mahon E., Garai S., Müller A., Barboiu M.

Biomimetic Approach for Ion Channels Based on Surfactant Encapsulated Spherical Porous Metal-Oxide Capsules


Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015;54:14473-14477

Sun Z..; Barboiu M.; Legrand Y.-M.; Petit E.; Rotaru A.

Highly Selective Artificial Cholesteryl Crown Ether K+ Channels


J. Eur. Ceramic Soc. 2015;35(2):711-721

Zhu, L.; Dong, Y. C.; Hampshire, S.; Cerneaux, S.; Winnubst, L.

Waste-to-resource preparation of a porous ceramic membrane support featuring elongated mullite whiskers with enhanced porosity and permeance


J. Mem. Sci. 2015;474:11-19

Kujawa, J.; Cerneaux, S.; Kujawski, W.

Removal of hazardous volatile organic compounds from water by vacuum pervaporation with hydrophobic ceramic membranesbjlank


Chem. Eng. J. 2015;260:43-54

Kujawa, J.; Cerneaux, S.; Kujawski, W.

Highly hydrophobic ceramic membranes applied to the removal of volatile organic compounds in pervaporation


J. Sol-Gel Sci. Techn. 2015, 73 (1), 208-214

Chang, Q. B.; Cerneaux, S.; Wang, X.; Zhang, X. Z.; Wang, Y. Q.; Zhou, J. E.

Evidence of ZrO2 sol-gel transition by gelation time and viscosity


Ceram. Int. 2015, 41 (2), 2752-2759

Belibi, P. B.; Nguemtchouin, M. M. G.; Rivallin, M.; Nsami, J. N.; Sieliechi, J.; Cerneaux, S.; Ngassoum, M. B.; Cretin, M.

Microfiltration ceramic membranes from local Cameroonian clay applicable to water treatmentbjlank


Desalination and water treatment 2015;57(11):4788-4795

Chang Q.; Wang X.; Wang Y.; Zhang X.; Cerneaux S.; Zhou J. E.

Effect of hydrophilic modification with nano-titania and operation modes on the oil–water separation performance of microfiltration membrane


Chem. Commun. 2015;51:17529-17531

Clima L.; Peptanariu D.; Pinteala M.; Salic A. & Barboiu M.

DyNAvectors: dynamic constitutional vectors for adaptive DNA transfection


Org. Biomol. Chem. (Review Art.) 2015,13:10590-10599

Mahon E., Barboiu M.

Synthetic multivalency for biological applications


Actu. Chim. 2015;399:37-43

Barboiu M.

The future of membranes: Toward the natural selection of functions


Chem. Commun. 2015;51:15925-15927

Zhang Y. & Barboiu M.

Dynameric asymmetric membranes for directional water transport

Chem. Sci., 2015;6:2079-2086

Dumitrescu D.; Legrand Y.-M.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Adaptive binding and selection of compressed 1,ω-diammonium-alkanes via molecular encapsulation in water


J. Mat. Chem. B 2015;3:8250-8267

Uritu C. M., Calin M., Maier S.S., Cojocaru C., Nicolescu A., Peptanariu D., Constantinescu C.A., Stan D., Barboiu M., Pinteala M.

Flexible cyclic siloxane core enhances the transfection efficiency of polyethylenimine-based non-viral gene vectors


Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015;22:3637-3641

Licsandru E.; Petit E.; Moldovan S.; Ersen O.; Barboiu M.

Biomimetic Autocatalytic Synthesis of Organized Silica Hybrids


Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015;13:9445-9456

Clima L.; Ursu E.-L.; Cojocaru C.; Rotaru A.; Barboiu M. & Pinteala M.

Experimental design, modeling and optimization of polyplex formation between DNA oligonucleotides and branched polyethylenimine


Comptes Rendus Chimie 2015;18(9):960-965

Meffre A.; Petit E.; Cot D.; Barboiu M.

Kinetic selection of polymeric guanosine architectures from dynamic supramolecular libraries


Org. Lett. 2015;17(14):3494-3497

Pop, L.; Dumitru F.; Hadade N.D.; Legrand Y.-M.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.; Grosu I.

Exclusive Hydrophobic Self-Assembly of Adaptive Solid-State Networks of Octasubstituted 9,9-Spirobifluorenes


Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015;13:9005-9011 (+Cover)

Turin-Moleavin I.-A.; Doroftei F.; Coroaba A.; Peptanariu D.; Pinteala M.; Salic A.; Barboiu M.

Dynamic constitutional frameworks (DCFs) as nanovectors for cellular delivery of DNA

New J. Chem. 2015;39:6404-6420

Marin L.; van der Lee A.; Shova S.; Arvinte A.; Barboiu M.

Molecular amorphous glasses toward large azomethine crystals with aggregation-induced emission

J. Phys. Chem. B 2015;119(28):8707-8717

Barboiu, M., Cazade, P.-A., Le Duc, Y., Legrand, Y.-M., van der Lee, A., Coasne, B.

Polarized Water Wires under Confinement in Chiral Channels

Cryst. Growth Des. 2015;15(7):3525-3531

Barboiu M.; Dumitrescu D.; Petit E.; Legrand Y.-M.; van der Lee A.

Crystallization-Driven Multicomponent Encapsulation of Coulombically Repulsive Guests

J. Mat. Chem. B 2015;3:2433-2446 (+Inside Cover)

Uritu C. M., Varganici C.D., Ursu L., Coroaba A., Nicolescu A., Dascalu A.I., Peptanariu D., Stan D., Constantinescu C.A., Simion V., Calin M., Maier S.S., Pinteala M. and Barboiu M.

Hybrid fullerene conjugates as vectors for DNA cell-delivery


Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015;2015(7):1112-1125 (Back Cover)

Barboiu M.

Constitutional Hybrid Materials – Toward Selection of Functions


Org. Lett. 2015; 17:2178-2181

Dumitrescu D.; Dumitru F.; Legrand Y.-M.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

New "Pyrene Box" Cages for Adaptive Guest Conformations


React. Funct. Polym. 2015; 86:259-263

Blondeau P., Petit E., Barboiu M.

Ion-fueled L-Phenylalanine controlled pumping by hybrid membrane materials


Chem. Commun. 2015;51:2021-2024 (+Front Cover)

Catana R., Barboiu M., Moleavin I., Clima L., Rotaru A., Ursu E.-L. & Pinteala M.

Dynamic constitutional frameworks for DNA biomimetic recognition





Nature Comm. 2014; 5:4142

Barboiu M., Le Duc Y., Gilles A., Cazade P.-A., Michau M., Legrand Y.-M., van der Lee A., Coasne B., Parvizi P., Post J. & Fyles T.

An artificial primitive mimic of the Gramicidin-A channel


Israel J. Chem. 2014, 54(5-6):423.

Gilles A., Mihai S., Nasr G., Mahon E., Garai S., Müller A., Barboiu M.

Highly selective Li+ ion transport by porous molybdenum-oxide Keplerate- type nanocapsules integrated in a supported liquid membrane.


Supramol. Chem. 2014;7(5-6):393-400

Barboiu M., Dumitru F., Petit E., Legrand Y.-M., van der Lee A.

Mesomeric metallosupramolecular grid architectures,


Chem. Commun. 2014; 50(59):8043-8046

Abdelrahim M.Y. M., Tanc M., Winum J.-Y., Supuran C. T., Barboiu M.

Dominant behaviours in the expression of human carbonic anhydrase hCA I activity


Chem. Commun. 2014; 50(91):14086-14088 (inside front cover)

Dumitrescu D.; Legrand Y.-M.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Progressive compression of 1,ω-diammonium-alkanes inside a rigid crystalline molecular cage


Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014; 443:109-117

Kujawa J., Cerneaux S., Kujawski W.

Investigation of the stability of metal oxide powders and ceramic membranes grafted by perrfluoroalkylsilanes


Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014; 443:567-575

Kujawa J., Rozicka A., Cerneaux S., Kujawski W.

The influence of surface modification on the physicochemical properties of ceramic membranes


Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014; 447:14–22

Kujawa J., Cerneaux S., Kujawski W.

Characterization of the surface modification process of Al2O3, TiO2 and ZrO2 powders by PFAS molecules


Journal of Membrane Science, 2014; 456:128-133.

Qibing Chang, Jianer Zhou, Yongqing Wang, Jian Liang, Xiaozhen Zhang, Sophie Cerneaux, Xia Wang, Zhiwen Zhu, Yingchao Dong

Application of ceramic microfiltration membrane modified by nano TiO2 coating in separation of a stable oil-in-water emulsion,


Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2014, in press.

Qibing Chang, Yulong Yang, Xiaozhen Zhang, Yongqing Wang, Jian-er Zhou, Xia Wang,Sophie Cerneaux, Li Zhu, Yingchao Dong,

Effect of particle size distribution of raw powders on pore size distribution and bending strength of Al2O3 microfiltration membrane supports


Crystal Growth & Design 2014; 14(6):3262-3268

Dumitrescu D.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

X-ray Structure Determination of Ion-Channel Crystalline Architectures Close to Bilayer Membrane-Confined Conditions


Chem. Eur. J. 2014; 20(22):6678-6683

M. Barboiu, Z. Mouline, M. Silion, E. Licsandru, B. C. Simionescu, E. Mahon, M. Pinteala

Multivalent recognition of Concanavalin-A by {Mo132} glyconanocapsules – toward biomimetic hybrid multilayers


Bioorg.& Med. Chem. 2014; 20(10):2867-2874

G. Nasr, A. Cristian, M. Barboiu, D. Vullo, J.-Y. Winum, C. T. Supuran

Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors. Inhibition of human cytosolic isoforms I and II with (reduced) Schiff's bases incorporating sulfonamide, carboxylate and carboxymethyl moieties


Aust. J. Chem. 2014; 67(7):1005-1010

Dumitrescu D.; Legrand Y.-M.; Masquelez N.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Crystallisation-Driven Self-Sorting of H-Bonded Guanidinium or Sodium Sulfonate Constitutional Molecular Frameworks


Chem. Commun. 2014; 50(20):2621-2623

Kocsis I., Dumitrescu D., Legrand Y.-M., van der Lee A., Grosu I., Barboiu M.

Self-sorting of Dynamic Metallosupramolecular Libraries DMLs via Metal-Driven Selection


Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20(16):4814-4821

Marin L., Moraru S., Popescu M.-C., Nicolescu A., Zgardan C., Simionescu B. C., Barboiu M.

"Out of water" Constitutional Self-organization of Chitosan-Cinnamaldehyde Dynagels


Supramol. Chem. 2014, 26(3-4):223-228

Barboiu M., Meffre A., Legrand Y.-M., Petit E., Marin L., Pinteala M., van der Lee A.

Frustrated ion-pair binding by heteroditopic macrocyclic receptors


J. Mater. Chem. B. 2014; 2:681-690

Macocinschi D., Filip D., Vlad S., Tuchilus C., Cristian A., Barboiu M.

Polyurethane/β-cyclodextrin/ciprofloxacin composite films for possible medical coatings with antibacterial properties


Biosens. Bioelectron. 2014; 53:154-159

Rusu G.-B., Asanduleasa M., Topala I., Pohoata V., Dumitrascu N., Barboiu M.

Atmospheric pressure plasma polymers for tuned QCM detection of protein adhesion


Chem. Commun. 2014; 50:731-733

Mouline Z., Mahon E., Gomez E., Montero V., Montero J., Barboiu M.

Entropy-driven lectin-recognition of multivalent glycovesicles





Acc. Chem. Res. 2013; 46(12):2814-2823

Barboiu M. & Gilles A.

From Natural to Bioassisted and Biomimetic Artificial Water Channel Systems

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013; 52:1-6

Rusu B.G., Cunin F., Barboiu M.

Real-time optical detection of stabilized artificial G-quadruplexes under confined conditions


Chem. Rec. 2013; 13:524-538

Legrand Y.-M., Barboiu M.

Self-assembled supramolecular channels: Toward biomimetic materials for directional translocation


J. Mol. Struc. 2013; 1049:377-385

Marin L., Harabagiu V., van der Lee A., Arvinte A., Barboiu M.

Structure-directed functional properties of symmetrical and unsymmetrical Br-substituted Schiff-bases


Responsive Membrane Materials, D. Bhattacharyya, R. Wickramasinghe, S. Dunert and T. Schafer, Editors. John Wiley book, 2013.

Barboiu M.

Emerging membrane nanomaterials-toward natural selection of functions

Encyclopedia of Membrane science and Technology, Review, 2013, Wiley

Barboiu M.

Constitutional dynameric networks for membranes


J. Mater. Chem. B. 2013; 1 (27):3353-3358

Marin L.; Stoica I.; Mares M.; Dinu V.; Simionescu B. C. and Barboiu M.

Antifungal Vanillin Imino-Chitosan Biodynameric Films


Chem-Eur J. 2013; 19(15):4946-4950

Legrand Y.-M.; Dumitrescu D.; Gilles A.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

A Constrained Disorder Refinement: "Reinvestigation of "Single-Crystal X-ray Structure of 1,3-Dimethylcyclobutadiene" by M. Shatruk and I. V. Alabugin"

Chem-Eur J. 2013; 19(15):4938-4941

Legrand Y.-M.; Dumitrescu D.; Gilles A.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Reply to A Computational Evaluation of the Evidence for the Synthesis of 1,3-Dimethylcyclobutadiene in Solid State and Aqueous Solution—Beyond the Experimental Reality

Chem. Commun. 2013; 49:3004-3006

Mahon E.; Mouline Z.; Silion M.; Gilles A.; Pinteala M.; Barboiu M.

Multilayer lectin–glyconanoparticles architectures for QCM enhanced detection of sugar–protein interaction

Chem. Commun. 2013; 49:3667-3669

Le Duc Y.; Gilles A.; Mihai S.; Rouessac V.;· Tingry S.; Barboiu M.

Dynamic constitutional electrodes-toward functional fullerene wires

Isr. J.Chem. 2013 Guest Editorial; 53(1-2):9-10.

Barboiu M.; Lehn J.-M.

Special Issue: Constitutional Dynamic Systems

Isr. J.Chem. 2013; 53(1-2):97-101.

Nasr G.; Gilles A.; Macron T.; Charmette C.; Sanchez J.; Barboiu M.

Tuning Gas-Diffusion through Dynameric Membranes: Toward Rubbery Organic Frameworks (ROFs)

Isr. J.Chem. 2013; 53(1-2):102-107.

Gilles A.; Mihai S.; Nasr G.; Mahon E.; Garai S.; Muller A.; Barboiu M.

Highly Selective Li+ Ion Transport by Porous Molybdenum-Oxide Keplerate-Type Nanocapsules Integrated in a Supported Liquid Membrane (Cover Picture)

Acta Crystallogr, Sect B: Struct. Sc. 2013; 69:43-45.

Legrand Y.M.; Dumitru F.; Lee A.V.D.; Barboiu M.

Weak intermolecular hydrogen and halogen interactions in an isomorphous halogen series of pseudoterpyridine Zn-II complexes






Chem. Commun., 2012; 48, 8778-8780

Marin L.; Simionescu B. C. and Barboiu M.

Imino-chitosan biodynamers


Cryst. Growth Des. 2012; 12(8):4258-4263.

Dumitrescu D.; Legrand Y.-M.; Dumitrascu F.; Barboiu M.; van der Lee A.

Aminoguanidinium and Diaminoguanidinium As Adaptive Cationic Building Blocks in Guanidinium-Organosulfonatecrystalline Superstructures

Chem. Commun. 2012; 48(94):11546-11548.

Nasr G.; Macron T.; Gilles A.; Charmette C.; Sanchez J.; Barboiu M.

Metallodynameric membranes - are metallic ions facilitating the transport of CO2?


Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2012; 32:5299-5304.

Mihai S.; Dauthier J.; Le Duc Y.; El Mansouri A.; Medhi A.; Barboiu M.

Dynamic Constitutional Hybrid Materials - Confined Guanosine Ribbons within Mesoporous Silica


Angew Chem, Int Ed. 2012; 51:2-5.

Barboiu M.

Artificial Water Channels


Topics in Current Chemistry, 2012, 322

Barboiu M.

Constitutional Dynamic Chemistry


Angew Chem, Int Ed. 2012; 51:7166-7170.

Tyagi P.; Deratani A.; Bouyer D.; Cot D.; Gence V.; Barboiu M.; Phan T.N.T.; Bertin D.; Gigmes D.; Quemener D.

Dynamic Interactive Membranes with Pressure-Driven Tunable Porosity and Self-Healing Ability.


Chem Commun. 2012; 48:7398-7400.

Nasr G.; Macron T.; Gilles A.; Petit E.; Barboiu M.

Systems membranes - combining the supramolecular and dynamic covalent polymers for gas-selective dynameric membranes.


Chem Commun. 2012; 48:6827-6829.

Nasr G.; Macron T.; Gilles A.; Mouline Z.; Barboiu M.

Metallodynameric membranes - toward the constitutional transport of gases.


Top Curr Chem. 2012; 322:139-163.

Mahon E.; Aastrup T.; Barboiu M.

Dynamic nanoplatforms in biosensor and membrane constitutional systems.


Acta Crystallogr, Sect E: Struct. Rep. Online 2012; E68:m609-m610.

Gilles A.; Barboiu M.; Legrand Y.-M.; van der Lee A.

Bis[μ-1-hexyl-3-(2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12-octahydro-1,4,7,10,13-benzopentaoxacyclopentadecin-15-yl)urea]bis(azidosodium) chloroform disolvate.


Top Curr Chem. 2012; 322:33-53.

Barboiu M.

Multistate and phase change selection in constitutional multivalent systems.


Dalton Trans., 2012; 41:11860-11865

Dumitru F.; Legrand Y.-M.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Self-sorting of metallosupramolecular DCLs via double-level exchange: amplification in solution and solid-state modulation





Chem-Eur J. 2011; 17:10021-10028.

Legrand Y.-M.; Gilles A.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Unprecedented Synthesis of 1,3-Dimethylcyclobutadiene in the Solid State and Aqueous Solution.



Angew Chem, Int Ed. 2011; 50:11366-11372.

Le Duc Y.; Michau M.; Gilles A.; Gence V.; Legrand Y.-M.; van der Lee A.; Tingry S.; Barboiu M.

Imidazole-Quartet Water and Proton Dipolar Channels.



Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 2011; 140:51-57.

Barboiu M.; Cazacu A.; Mihai S.; Legrand Y.-M.; Nasr G.; Le Duc Y.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.

Dynamic constitutional hybrid materials-toward adaptive self-organized devices.






J Mater Chem. 2010; 20:9443-9448.

Mihai S.; Le Duc Y.; Cot D.; Barboiu M.

Sol-gel selection of hybrid G-quadruplex architectures from dynamic supramolecular guanosine libraries.


Mater Res Soc Symp Proc. 2010; 19:6124-6134.

Michau M.; Barboiu M.

Self-organized hybrid proton exchange membranes, exhibiting high ionic conductivity.


Chem Commun. 2010; 46:2441-2443.

Mahon E.; Aastrup T.; Barboiu M.

Dynamic glycovesicle systems for amplified QCM detection of carbohydrate-lectin multivalent biorecognition.


Chem Commun. 2010; 46:5491-5493.

Mahon E.; Aastrup T.; Barboiu M.

Multivalent recognition of lectins by glyconanoparticle systems.


Mater Res Soc Symp Proc. 2010;1257, 1257-O07-08

Mahon E.; Aastrup T.; Barboiu M.

Multivalent biomimetic glyconanoparticle platforms as QCM amplifiers for Lectin-Carbohydrate interactions.


Science. 2010; 329:299-302.

Legrand Y.-M.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Single-Crystal X-ray Structure of 1,3-Dimethylcyclobutadiene by Confinement in a Crystalline Matrix.


Science. 2010; 330:1047.

Legrand Y.-M.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Response to Comments on "Single-Crystal X-ray Structure of 1,3-Dimethylcyclobutadiene by Confinement in a Crystalline Matrix".


Inorg Chim Acta. 2010; 363:4214-4219.

Cazacu A.; Mihai S.; Nasr G.; Mahon E.; van der Lee A.; Meffre A.; Barboiu M.

Lipophilic polyoxomolybdate nanocapsules in constitutional dynamic hybrid materials.


Chem Commun. 2010; 46:7466-7476.

Barboiu M.

Dynamic interactive systems: dynamic selection in hybrid organic-inorganic constitutional networks.


Mater Res Soc Symp Proc. 2010;1272, 1272-PP07-05

Barboiu M.

Dynamic constitutional membranes - toward an adaptive facilitated transport.






J Med Chem. 2009; 52:4853-4859.

Nasr G.; Petit E.; Vullo D.; Winum J.-Y.; Supuran C.T.; Barboiu M.

Carbonic Anhydrase-Encoded Dynamic Constitutional Libraries: Toward the Discovery of Isozyme-Specific Inhibitors.


Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2009; 19:6014-6017.

Nasr G.; Petit E.; Supuran C.T.; Winum J.-Y.; Barboiu M.

Carbonic anhydrase II-induced selection of inhibitors from a dynamic combinatorial library of Schiff's bases.


J Appl Polym Sci. 2009; 111:2785-2797.

Nasr G.; Bestal H.; Barboiu M.; Bresson B.; Thami T.

Functionalization of polymethylhydrosiloxane gels with an allyl ureido benzocrown ether derivative: complexation properties.


New J Chem. 2009; 33:2335-2343.

Mihai S.; Cazacu A.; Arnal-Herault C.; Nasr G.; Meffre A.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Supramolecular self-organization in constitutional hybrid materials.


J Mater Chem. 2009; 19:6124-6131.

Michau M.; Barboiu M.

Self-organized proton conductive layers in hybrid proton exchange membranes, exhibiting high ionic conductivity.


Rev Roum Chim. 2009; 54:421-432.

Legrand Y.-M.; Dumitru F.; Arnal-Herault C.; Michau M.; Barboiu M.D.

Dynamic constitutional materials. Crystallization- and sol-gel-driven self-sorting of functional supramolecular architectures.


Supramol Chem. 2009; 21:230-237.

Legrand Y.M.; Dumitru F.; Lee A.V.D.; Barboiu M.

Interpenetrated constitutional networks of aromatic metallosupramolecular duplexes.


Chem Commun (Cambridge, U K) 2009; 2667-2669.

Dumitru F.; Legrand Y.-M.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Constitutional self-sorting of homochiral supramolecular helical single crystals from achiral components.


Cryst Growth Des. 2009; 9:2917-2921.

Dumitru F.; Legrand Y.-M.; Barboiu M.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.

Metallosupramolecular Architectures of Pseudoterpyridine-Type Ligands and ZnII Metal Ions.


Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A. 2009; 106:8117-8122.

Cazacu A.; Legrand Y.-M.; Pasc A.; Nasr G.; van der Lee A.; Mahon E.; Barboiu M.

Dynamic hybrid materials for constitutional self-instructed membranes.


Eur J Inorg Chem. 2009; 2621-2628.

Barboiu M.; Legrand Y.-M.; Prodi L.; Montalti M.; Zaccheroni N.; Vaughan G.; van der Lee A.; Petit E.; Lehn J.-M.

Modulation of Photochemical Properties in Ion-Controlled Multicomponent Dynamic Devices.


Chem Commun (Cambridge, U K) 2009; 2192-2194.

Barboiu M.; Dumitru F.; Legrand Y.-M.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.

Self-sorting of equilibrating metallosupramolecular DCLs via constitutional crystallization.


Mater Res Soc Symp Proc. 2009;

Barboiu M.; Cazacu A.; Mihai S.; Legrand Y.-M.; van der Lee A.

Dynamic constitutional hybrid materials-toward adaptive self-organized devices.


John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2009; 488-499.

Barboiu M.

Nucleobase self-assembly codes: constitutional transcription.






J Inclusion Phenom Macrocyclic Chem. 2008; 60:35-41.

Tar A.; Barboiu M.; Legrand Y.-M.; Luca C.

Stability constants of complexes formed by new Schiff-base lariat ethers derived from 4,13-diaza-18-crown-6 with Ag+, Pb2+, Cu2+ cations determined by competitive potentiometry.


J Membr Sci. 2008; 321:81-89.

Nova C.J.M.; Paolucci-Jeanjean D.; Belleville M.-P.; Barboiu M.; Rivallin M.; Rios G.

Elaboration, characterization and study of a new hybrid chitosan/ceramic membrane for affinity membrane chromatography.


J Membr Sci. 2008; 321:8-14.

Nasr G.; Barboiu M.; Ono T.; Fujii S.; Lehn J.-M.

Dynamic polymer membranes displaying tunable transport properties on constitutional exchange.


J Membr Sci. 2008; 321:22-30.

Michau M.; Caraballo R.; Arnal-Herault C.; Barboiu M.

Alkali cation-π aromatic conduction pathways in self-organized hybrid membranes.


Chem-Eur J. 2008; 14:1776-1783.

Michau M.; Barboiu M.; Caraballo R.; Arnal-Herault C.; Perriat P.; van der Lee A.; Pasc A.

Ion-conduction pathways in self-organised ureidoarene-heteropolysiloxane hybrid membranes.


CrystEngComm. 2008; 10:490-492.

Legrand Y.-M.; Michau M.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Homomeric and heteromeric self-assembly of hybrid ureido-imidazole compounds.


Acta Crystallogr, Sect E: Struct. Rep. Online 2008; E64:967-968.

Legrand Y.M.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

4-Ammoniobenzamidinium dichloride.


Rev Chim (Bucharest, Rom). 2008; 59:260-265.

Blondeau P.; Legrand Y.-M.; van der Lee A.; Nasr G.; Barboiu M.

Multiple processing of metal-ion coordination, anion-binding, hydrogen-bonding- self-assembly and π-π stacking subprograms in silver(I) coordination polymers.


Rev Chim (Bucharest, Rom). 2008; 59:255-259.

Barboiu M.; Lehn J.-M.

Helical diastereomerism in self-organization of molecular strands.


Chem Eng Process. 2008; 47:1044-1052.

Barboiu M.; Cazacu A.; Michau M.; Caraballo R.; Arnal-Herault C.; Pasc-Banu A.

Functional organic-inorganic hybrid membranes.


J Membr Sci. 2008; 321:1-2.

Barboiu M.; Aimar P.; Lehn J.-M.



Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA; 2008; 313-337.

Barboiu M.

Biomimetic and bioinspired hybrid membrane nanomaterials.


J Membr Sci. 2008; 321:94-99.

Arnal-Herault C.; Michau M.; Barboiu M.

Mixed supramolecular cation-carrier and anion-carrier facilitated transport for the selective alkali cations transport.






Acta Crystallogr, Sect E: Struct. Rep .Online 2007; E63:m255-m257.

Meffre A.; Barboiu M.; van der Lee A.

Sodium trifluoromethanesulfonate acetonitrile solvate.


Inorg Chem (Washington, DC, U S) 2007; 46:9083-9089.

Legrand Y.-M.; van der Lee A.; Masquelez N.; Rabu P.; Barboiu M.

Temperature Induced Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Transformations and Structure Directed Effects on Magnetic Properties.


Inorg Chem (Washington, DC, U S) 2007; 46:9540-9547.

Legrand Y.-M.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Self-Optimizing Charge-Transfer Energy Phenomena in Metallosupramolecular Complexes by Dynamic Constitutional Self-Sorting.


Ann Chim (Cachan, Fr) 2007; 32:127-140.

Cazacu A.; Michau M.; Caraballo R.; Arnal-Herault C.; Pasc-Banu A.; Ayral A.; Barboiu M.

Dynamic supramolecular hybrid and mesoporous membranes.


Acta Crystallogr, Sect E: Struct. Rep. Online 2007; E63:m3151-m3152.

Arnal-Herault C.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.; Legrand Y.M.

Bis(μ-trifluoromethanesulfonato-κ2O:O')bis[aqua(1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacyclooctadecane-κ6O)barium(II)] bis(trifluoromethanesulfonate).


Angew Chem, Int Ed. 2007; 46:8409-8413.

Arnal-Herault C.; Pase A.; Michau M.; Cot D.; Petit E.; Barboiu M.

Functional G-quartet macroscopic membrane films.


Angew Chem, Int Ed. 2007;46:4268-4272.

Arnal-Herault C.; Banu A.; Barboiu M.; Michau M.; van der Lee A.

Amplification and transcription of the dynamic supramolecular chirality of the guanine quadruplex.






New J Chem. 2006; 30:823-831.

Compain P.; Desvergnes V.; Ollivier C.; Robert F.; Suzenet F.; Barboiu M.; Belmont P.; Bleriot Y.; Bolze F.; Bouquillon S.; Bourguet E.; Braida B.; Constantieux T.; Desaubry L.; Dupont D.; Gastaldi S.; Jerome F.; Legoupy S.; Marat X.; Migaud M.; Moitessier N.; Papot S.; Peri F.; Petit M.; Py S.; Schulz E.; Tranoy-Opalinski I.; Vauzeilles B.; Vayron P.; Vergnes L.; Vidal S.; Wilmouth S.

Looking forward: A glance into the future of organic chemistry.


J Am Chem Soc. 2006; 128:9541-9548.

Cazacu A.; Tong C.; van der Lee A.; Fyles T.M.; Barboiu M.

Columnar Self-Assembled Ureido Crown Ethers: An Example of Ion-Channel Organization in Lipid Bilayers.


Macromol Symp. 2006; 245/246:435-438.

Cazacu A.; Pasc-Banu A.; Barboiu M.

Molecular and supramolecular dynamics - a versatile tool for self-organization of polymeric membranes systems.


Desalination. 2006; 199:521-522.

Cazacu A.; Michau M.; Arnal-Herault C.; Meffre A.; Caraballo R.; Pasc A.; Barboiu M.

Hybrid supramolecular dynamic membranes as selective information transfer devices.


Eur J Inorg Chem. 2006; 784-792.

Barboiu M.; Ruben M.; Blasen G.; Kyritsakas N.; Chacko E.; Dutta M.; Radekovich O.; Lenton K.; Brook D.J.R.; Lehn J.-M.

Self-assembly, structure and solution dynamics of tetranuclear Zn2+ hydrazone [2 × 2] grid-type complexes.


Inorg Chem. 2006; 45:484-486.

Barboiu M.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.; Vaughan G.

Constitutional Self-Selection of [2 x 2] Homonuclear Grids from a Dynamic Mixture of Copper(I) and Silver(I) Metal Complexes.


Rev Chim (Bucharest, Rom) 2006; 57:909-914.

Barboiu M.; Lehn J.-M.

Dynamic chemical devices. Single and double strand switching in ion-controlled folding of linear ligands.


Rev Roum Chim. 2006; 51:581-588.

Barboiu M.; Lehn J.-M.

Rack, square and double helical dinuclear metallosupramolecular architectures - coordination behavior, anion binding and stacking interactions.






Acta Crystallogr, Sect E: Struct Rep Online 2005; E61:o1880-o1882.

Rolland M.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Dimorphism of 2,2':6',2'':6'',2'''-quaterpyridine.


Eur J Inorg Chem. 2005; 4255-4262.

Dumitru F.; Petit E.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Homo- and heteroduplex complexes containing terpyridine-type ligands and Zn2+.


Inorg Chem. 2005; 44:5649-5653.

Blondeau P.; van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Silver(I) Coordination Polymers Containing Heteroditopic Ureidopyridine Ligands: The Role of Ligand Isomerism, Hydrogen Bonding, and Stacking Interactions.


New J Chem. 2005; 29:1535-1539.

Arnal-Herault C.; Barboiu M.; Petit E.; Michau M.; van der Lee A.

Cation-π interaction: a case for macrocycle-cation π-interaction by its ureidoarene counteranion.






Acta Crystallogr C. 2004; 60:m156-158.

van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

A two-dimensional network of R(2)(2)(16) and R(4)(2)(8) rings in trans-bis(4-aminopyridine-kappaN(1))bis(benzoato-kappa(2)O,O')copper(II) benzene 0.75-solvate.


Acta Crystallogr, Sect E: Struct Rep Online. 2004; E60:o89-o91.

van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

1-Amino-3-ammonioguanidinium dichloride.


Acta Crystallogr, Sect E: Struct Rep Online. 2004; E60:m421-m423.

van der Lee A.; Barboiu M.

Lithium pyridine-3-sulfonate.


Chem-Eur J. 2004; 10:2953-2959.

Barboiu M.; Prodi L.; Montalti M.; Zaccheroni N.; Kyritsakas N.; Lehn J.-M.

Dynamic chemical devices: Modulation of photophysical properties by reversible, ion-triggered, and proton-fueled nanomechanical shape-flipping molecular motions.


Chem-Eur J. 2004; 10:2263-2270.

Barboiu M.; Petit E.; Vaughan G.

Metallosupramolecular zippers generated by self-organization of self-complementary molecular clefts.


J Am Chem Soc. 2004; 126:3545-3550.

Barboiu M.; Cerneaux S.; van der Lee A.; Vaughan G.

Ion-Driven ATP Pump by Self-Organized Hybrid Membrane Materials.


J Inclusion Phenom Macrocyclic Chem. 2004; 49:133-137.

Barboiu M.

Supramolecular polymeric macrocyclic receptors - hybrid carrier versus channel transporters in bulk liquid membranes.






Chem-Eur J. 2003; 9:291-299.

Ruben M.; Breuning E.; Barboiu M.; Gisselbrecht J.-P.; Lehn J.-M.

Functional supramolecular devices: [M4IIL4]8+ [2 × 2]-grid-type complexes as multilevel molecular electronic species.


Org Lett. 2003; 5:3073-3076.

Barboiu M.; Vaughan G.; van der Lee A.

Self-Organized Heteroditopic Macrocyclic Superstructures.


Chem-Eur J. 2003; 9:763-769.

Barboiu M.; Vaughan G.; Kyritsakas N.; Lehn J.-M.

Dynamic chemical devices: Generation of reversible extension/contraction molecular motion by ion-triggered single/double helix interconversion.


J Am Chem Soc. 2003; 125:10257-10265.

Barboiu M.; Vaughan G.; Graff R.; Lehn J.-M.

Self-Assembly, Structure, and Dynamic Interconversion of Metallosupramolecular Architectures Generated by Pb(II) Binding-Induced Unfolding of a Helical Ligand.


Acta Crystallogr, Sect C: Cryst Struct Commun. 2003; C59:m366-m368.

Barboiu M.; van der Lee A.

Hydrogen bonding in calcium-trifluoromethanesulfonate-1,3-di-4-pyridylurea-methanol (1/2/2/4).






J Membr Sci. 2002; 204:97-110.

Villamo O.; Barboiu C.; Barboiu M.; Yau-Chun-Wan W.; Hovnanian N.

Hybrid organic-inorganic membranes containing a fixed thio ether complexing agent for the facilitated transport of silver versus copper ions.


J Membr Sci. 2002; 210:279-290.

Lachowicz E.; Rozanska B.; Teixidor F.; Meliani H.; Barboiu M.; Hovnanian N.

Comparison of sulphur and sulphur-oxygen ligands as ionophores for liquid-liquid extraction and facilitated transport of silver and palladium.


Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002;99:5201-5206.

Barboiu M.; Lehn J.-M.

Dynamic chemical devices: modulation of contraction/extension molecular motion by coupled-ion binding/pH change-induced structural switching.






Sep Purif Technol. 2001; 25:167-180.

Guizard C.; Bac A.; Barboiu M.; Hovnanian N.

Hybrid organic-inorganic membranes with specific transport properties. Applications in separation and sensors technologies.


Sep Purif Technol. 2001; 25:211-218.

Barboiu M.; Guizard C.; Hovnanian N.; Cot L.

New molecular receptors for organics of biological interest for the facilitated transport in liquid and solid membranes.







Mol Cryst Liq Cryst Sci Technol, Sect A. 2000; 354:91-106.

Guizard C.; Bac A.; Barboiu M.; Hovnanian N.

Organic-inorganic hybrid materials with specific solute and gas transport properties for membrane and sensor applications.


Bul Stiint Univ "Politeh" Timisoara Rom, Ser Chim Ing Mediului. 2000; 45:275-280.

Dumitru F.; Barboiu M.; Rus A.; Udrea S.; Guran C.

Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes with polydentate urea-based ligand.


J Enzyme Inhib. 2000; 15:23-46.

Barboiu M.; Supuran C.T.; Menabuoni L.; Scozzafava A.; Mincione F.; Briganti F.; Mincione G.

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Synthesis of topically effective intraocular pressure lowering agents derived from 5-(omega-aminoalkylcarboxamido)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide.


J Membr Sci. 2000; 174:277-286.

Barboiu M.; Guizard C.; Luca C.; Hovnanian N.; Palmeri J.; Cot L.

Facilitated transport of organics of biological interest II. Selective transport of organic acids by macrocyclic fixed site complexant membranes.






Met Based Drugs. 1999; 6:101-110.

Barboiu M.; Supuran C.T.; Scozzafava A.; Guran C.; Diaconescu P.; Bojin M.; Iluc V.; Cot L.

Functionalized Derivatives of Benzo-Crown Ethers. Part 4. Antifungal Macrocyclic Supramolecular Complexes of Transition Metal Ions Acting as Lanosterol-14-alpha-Demethylase Ihibitors.


J Membr Sci. 1999; 161:193-206.

Barboiu M.; Guizard C.; Luca C.; Albu B.; Hovnanian N.; Palmeri J.

A new alternative to amino acids transport: facilitated transport of L-phenylalanine by hybrid siloxane membranes containing a fixed site macrocyclic complexant.






Met Based Drugs. 1998; 5:287-294.

Guran C.; Barboiu M.; Diaconescu P.; Iluc V.; Bojin M.; Scozzafava A.; Supuran C.T.

Synthesis and antifungal activity of metal complexes containing dichloro-tetramorpholino-cyclophosphazatriene.






Eur J Med Chem. 1996; 31:597-606.

Supuran C.T.; Barboiu M.; Luca C.; Pop E.; Brewster M.E.; Dinculescu A.

Carbonic anhydrase activators. Part 14. Syntheses of mono and bis pyridinium salt derivatives of 2-amino-5-(2-aminoethyl)- and 2-amino-5-(3-aminopropyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole and their interaction with isoenzyme II.


Roum Biotechnol Lett. 1996; 1:87-97.

Barboiu M.; Luca C.; Popescu G.; Guizard C.; Hovnainian N.; Barboiu C.

Facilitated transport of L-amino-acids. (II) Transport of L-phenylalanine by macrocyclic fixed-site carrier membranes. Preliminary report.


Met Based Drugs. 1996; 3:233-240.

Barboiu M.; Guran C.; Jitaru I.; Cimpoesu M.; Supuran C.T.

Complexes With Biologically Active Ligands. Part 7 Synthesis and Fungitoxic Activity of Metal Complexes Containing 1,3,5-tris-(8-Hydroxyquinolino)- Trichlorocyclo-Triphosphazatriene.


Met Based Drugs. 1996; 3:227-232.

Barboiu M.; Cimpoesu M.; Guran C.; Supuran C.T.

1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives. Part 9. Synthesis and biological activity of metal complexes of 5-(2-aminoethyl)-2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole.





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